jones smith-johnson Signature Fragrances
The vision behind jones smith-johnson was begotten by the dream of my mother, Delois Johnson. Creating her own fragrance was a goal of hers that she did not obtain prior to her transition to the heavenly realm. I loved the idea so much, and knowing surely it would make her proud, I branded jones smith-johnson Signature Fragrances.
jones smith-johnson's mantra: Providing Beauty for Ashes, is a testament to the word that says the body we now live in is mortal. Though it may be so, that does not mean that we should not strive to keep it healthy, beautify it, fragrance it.
My mother was a faithful woman, dedicated. My mother was a faith-filled woman, serving God, and assisting her Pastor for the last 25 years. During those two decades, she volunteered as a hostess, participated in evangelism projects, served as an Armor Bearer to the First Lady, married an Elder, she was a member of the Finance Committee, as well as the Pastor's Anniversary Committee, and was titled in her Resolution by her church's Board Members as a Prayer Warrior; and that right well!
I dare not lift up one parent without uplifting the other. jones smith-johnson is a combination of my father's last name, and my mother's maiden and married last names. My father transitioned in 2015, I haven't been the same since; he was my best friend. Lady of Grace is a tribute to my mom, and Man of Valor was created in memory, and in honor of my dad. Without William Jones a.k.a "Shorty", there would be no "Shelly".

If by chance you purchase one or both of these items, I most humbly thank you because you have helped me to keep their names solidified in the earth. Thank you for your time; thank you for visiting La Krem's website; thank you for your patronage!